I am an Independent thinker and an unconventional Candidate for the Virginia 63rd House District of Virginia. I believe in an American First Policy.
I am a resident of Spotsylvania, Virginia born in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and raised in the White Oak area of Stafford County, Va. I am also a card-carrying member of the Patawomeck Indian Tribe of Virginia.
I was Special Advisor for Covert Operations for President George W Bush a self-appointed position to verify Just ask Former President George W. Bush he probably can’t talk about it now that he is not President anymore. All of my work for 3 US Presidents is classified it's a unique situation where all of anything I was writing was Eyes Only to The President of the United States. With myself running for the Virginia House of Delegates and having written this information in public it should now be assumed that all of this information is Declassified and now should be released to the American people ASAP. Here is a good fun story about President George W Bush but he wasn’t President yet it was September 1992.
President George H W Bush was on a campaign stop in downtown Fredericksburg,Va at the corner in front of Goolrick’s Pharmacy he was giving a speech. Walking in the crowd I saw George W Bush walking towards me shaking hands with people in the crowd. I made my way setting it up so he and I met. I reached my hand out and said “ Hi there Mr President, George W responded “ No Son, that is my dad up there” as he pointed to the President up on the podium speaking. I responded “ No Sir you are going to be President “ I quickly turned and started to my truck before the crowd started leaving also. As I had taken about 6 steps from George W Bush I bumped smack into my future estranged wife meeting her officially by chance a month or so later. If you ask Ole George W about that day he will bring that up but I heard he used to talk about what I was wearing. Like I said it was September 4 1992 hot I had on Green stone washed denim Jeans and a sweatshirt that was purple and forest green. I tell all this as background trying to tie this whole Covert Operation together that I ran on my own this is true nobody told me to do it and nobody “ has told me to stop.”
In June of 1991, I joined the Virginia National Guard as an 11B Infantryman my Duty station was Manassas, Virginiaat the Fredxericksburg Virginia National Guard Armory. When joining i was 2 weeks passed my 17th Birthday I told the recruiter I wanted to go to DELTA FORCE. Well the night before
In July of 1992 at 5 weeks after my 18th Birthday I was selected for DELTA FORCE at Camp Dawson, West Virginia during a selection course. This all couldn’t have happened without my late High School Principal William Pugh. At the time when DELTA FORCE came to recruit me, there needed to be some not so on the level stuff to happen. The story behind this is I had to volunteer for this selection. My yearly National Guard Annual Training was coming up in June of 1992 which was going to be at Fort AP Hill. To get into the story I was not enrolled in High School at the time I dropped out to join.
I needed to come up with an excuse to reschedule my Annual Training and attend the DELTA Selection. I came up with the idea of using High School Exams as my reason to reschedule. So I went to Stafford High School and got the Head Principal to swear out an affidavit for my unit in Manassas, Virginia stating I was enrolled in high school and had to take my final exams, well my orders were cut. To those who knew the late William Pugh I want you to know he stuck his neck out for me. He lied about me being enrolled in Stafford Senior High School. By him doing this set a course for what follows:
My DELTA Selection was basically testing me as an Individual Operator the whole selection was geared to watch and assess us candidates as we performed our duties on our own. I want to tell you how my selection went down. My Readiness NCO SGT Dunaway drove me up to the Charlottesville, Virginia National Guard Armory where I would be hitching a ride to Camp Dawson, West Virginia for their Annual Training. Once offloading from the bus the unit from Charlottesville lined up in formation.
I just stood there with my rucksack and the mandatory items I had in my dry bag. I was lost and didn't know what to do, then I heard my name called out I went over where 5 other Soldiers were standing. The 6 of us were shown our barracks and explained how this was going to go. First off we had to strip our uniforms of name tags and rank, we were told all of our instructions for the days would be written on the White Board. The 6 of us were given our new identities our color and number mine was Orange 23 our colors changed every day but our numbers stayed the same. My whole time during selection, I only saw 1 other candidate from our original group a single time during a break while I visited the barracks. I believe that guy was cut or quit he was clearing out his wall locker.
My training was wild I really never had training until it came to learning how to operate on a zodiac rubber craft getting to do the famous DELTA GOOSE SHIT SWIM in the pond by the Rappel Tower, learning how to operate in a 4 man team then we did a 4 man long-range land navigation course for this I formed up with 3 soldiers from the Charlottesville National Guard Unit we set the record, I was on compass. I was taught old LRRP Long Range Recon Patrol tactics. I was taught how to rappel by being told to climb up the Rappel Tower stairs and do what the Sergeants asked, I only rappelled off a HUEY skid attached to the side of Tower. I didn't touch the solid wall that you usually see in Tower Rappelling. I was paired up with a Battle Buddy from the Charlottesville Guard unit and learned to make a poncho raft and how to operate as a team using this, I learned how to build a rope bridge, I learned how to do a 4 man rappel by getting up on the Huey and having the Rappel master tell me what to do while hovering 100ft above the ground before doing the rappel. I did a single Blackhawk Rappel on just here hookup get in the door and go. I did a 120ft mountain Rappel into a hole in the side of the mountains.
Our training group that day was put on Good Morning America we were at the bottom of the ravine I was up in front we said “ From the Hills of West Virginia Good Morning America” for the video cameras. That was around the July 23-25th 1992 time period in my Selection Course. As two local Stafford County guys Jeff Rouse and Mark Lenzi were winning gold at the Barcelona Olympics I was trying out for the best of the best. Everything I “ LEARNED “ during my selection was shown to me once and I had to demonstrate my proficiency in my given tasks.
For my land navigation test the famed DELTA FORCE 40 MILE LONG WALK I was taken up by myself via Blackhawk Helicopter we hovered above a mountain top I was ordered to jump out which we were about 8 feet above the top of the mountain. When I landed the grass was so tall it was like I landed in a grass jungle. I pulled out my compass and my previously given coordinates for my 40-mile mountain hike finding my objective the 3 corners marker of West Virginia Maryland and Pennsylvania, I did find the extra coordinates under the smaller stone by the 3 corners marker. These extra coordinates lead me from side of road pickup spot up to landing zone where 3 blackhawks landed taking me back to main post Camp Dawson.
The night I found out I was selected for DELTA I had a whiteboard “ SCHEDULED DUTY” one evening at the Canteen on Camp Dawson. Well, when I showed up Guns and Roses WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE started playing on the Juke Box as I came into the Canteen. I was met by a Major who told me to grab a beer from the bar and come out back. At 18 in 1992, I knew it was illegal for me to be drinking, being ordered by the Major I stood in line waited my turn asked for bud in a bottle told the female bartender that I was only 18. She responded Son if you are with those guys outback you can drink that beer. I grabbed my beer and headed out back.
Outback when I opened the door I saw a sight that I could not believe. I saw a grey-haired Sergeant Major being supported by 2 guys while he did keg stands and leg straight-up-in-air push-ups while drinking from the beer tap nozzle. I watched these guys do pushup challenges and on the chest-to-ground move, they sucked beer out of dog bowls. It was a big-ass drink fest that left this 18-year Private First Class stumbling back to my barracks I was the only guy left at this point in the selection. I recieved my Green and Yellow Beret Flash for making Selection.The next day I headed back to Charlottesville to my awaiting Readiness NCO.
Around this time in my life, I was single young High Speed with No Drag I didn’t give a fuck the military could have thrown me out of a plane with no instructions, and by the time I landed, I would have the parachute figured out. ( Oh snap I did just a year later after DELTA Selection. In 1993 while working for my mom's boyfriend the one I talk about in the Oppo Research section. Anyway, he was the Project Engineer for the Boyscouts when they came to Fort AP Hill for their jamborees.
I was working there as a dispatcher I had 300 military vehicles that I was responsible for. Anyway the US Army wanted to make sure their HUMVs and CUTVs were taken care of so I had 2 military personell an E5 and E6 loaned to me to help. The E5 Sergeant Schultz reminded me of Danny Bonaduce with a mustache I told him about my DELTA selection and Rappelling from the UH-1 HUEY and UH-60 BLACKHAWK without training he responded that I couldn't do that with Airborne. I laughed and said I bet I can. His reply I don't think so I said I bet that Beret off your head. He said we have a jump while we are here are you up for it? I said yeah.
So the evening of the drop they made sure this went off without a hitch when the jump was about to happen I was sandwiched in between two guys, I’m talking squeezed in I assumed making sure I was taken out the door. Well the jump went off without a hitch the parachute opened up when I hit the ground it dragged me abit as the guys were running to me. I got up and looked at Sergeant Schultz and said I want that Beret he turned it right over pulling it out of his BDU cargo pocket. I gave this Beret to Charity my pregnant girlfriend as a sign of accomplishment but to her I know it was just a Maroon Beret with a 327th Signal Battalion “THE NIGHTHAWKS” Unit Crest that Said SPEED AND ACCURACY. I wore this Beret while I was in Algeria in 1994 signaling to the terrorist here look I'm American come play.
When I wrote the proposal for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM for President George W Bush I used these words when I referred to the military actions in Iraq. ( SWIFT AND ACCURATE) Things changed around a month or so after started dating my estranged wife. During this period I had started to kind of be left to myself at DET1, I was having a DELTA guy ( Norm HOOTIE Hooten of Blackhawk Down fame saying THIS IS MY SAFETY while he was in chow line. He asked me to call him HOOTIE so years later I tied it together ) come hang with me during my drills I guess he was there to help me transition from the Virginia National Guard to DELTA.
Well, I ended up getting my girlfriend pregnant around the end of March 1993 it was 3 days after the fight with the five guys you will read about further into my life story. In the same time frame the DELTA guy was hounding me about committing to the unit they were ready for me to report to Fort Bragg. I kept pushing it off each month as much as I could.
The weekend of October 1-3 1993 I ended up AWOL from Bravo Co 1/170th Inf DET-1 in Manassas, Virginia was busy serving somewhere else that weekend. I guess many of you military types are scratching your head at this. This is how this all went down, That weekend I had a MUTA 4 Drill with my National Guard unit. Well, my 7-month pregnant girlfriend and I had a falling out on Thursday, September 30, 1993. I had a scheduled drill the next day what followed was this. I started drinking a partial half gallon of vodka at 8:30 a.m. Friday, October 1, 1993, the first day of the MUTA 4 drill formation wasn't until 16:00 that evening. At 9:30 am my pager was being blown up I was getting an activation alert. having been drinking and underage I blew off the pages. By 1 PM I had started on another Half gallon it got around 6:30 PM and I had the Hummers pulling in and the boys in green knocking on the door. Well, I was told to grab my gear that they were behind schedule and had to roll. I passed out on the ride up I-95 and woke up on the ground in Somalia.
Since I had been drinking and missed the Alert I was not allowed to play that day of October 3, 1993. My Activation Codeword was “RAGING BULL” On October 5th, 1993 I had to make up my AWOL so I had to help carry gear from the Armory in Manassas, Virginia to the AMMO Supply Point on Fort AP HILL. Remember the above story where I had the DELTA Representative ( Norm HOOTIE Hooten from Blackhawk Down fame He said this is my safety in the chow line ) come and hang out at my National Guard Drills in Manassas, Virginia? Well DELTA had my pager number for the Activation Alert on October 1,1993. October 3 1993 was supposed to be my trial by fire.
The following month in November of 1993 my girlfriend got sick she ended up in the hospital the weekend of my National Guard drill. We thought she was going to lose the baby this drill the DELTA guy happened to be with me during this drill. At this point I wasn’t training with my squad or Platoon I was just there making a show until I left for Ft. Bragg. Well, I was put on the spot this time. I had to choose DELTA or not, so I went out to the phone in the Armory lobby and called my girlfriend in the hospital checking on her when I hung the phone up I declined the DELTA offer. I chose to stay here in Fredericksburg and be a father and try to be a husband to my son's mother. I got out of the Virginia National Guard in 1994 to go work in Algeria.
In August of 1994 being an average Joe while working in Algeria at 20 years old I penetrated the GIA- ( Armed Islamic Group) an Algerian terrorist organization with just giving a member of them a bottle of our water. . From this, I found myself the Spearhead, the Tip of the Spear as it’s called Inside America’s War on Terror 7 years before September 11, 2001.
In 1995 I joined the Virginia National Guard as a 12B Combat Engineer my Duty Station was Fredericksburg, Va. Charlie Co. 229th Engineers. My 12 Bravo Combat Engineer training was at Camp Gilbert C Grafton in Devils Lake, North Dakota. Here I learned how to make fertilizer bombs ( 25 lbs ) the same type of bomb that Timothy McVeigh used in the Oklahoma City Bombing. I learned the basics in using C4 explosives all I needed to know was a Uli knot and know how to use an M81 igniter all my training consisted of was making the 25-pound fertilizer bomb and learning the formulations for making it bigger. We did place 7 -1 ¼ pound blocks of C4 in a Daisy Chain to create a hole. It was unusual to have the training Sergeant tell us we will not be using any Army Field training manual for this course. What we needed to learn was in the Anarchist Cookbook I shit you not that was the manual my class was told to learn.
Some time before I left for Camp Gilbert C Grafton and my Combat Engineer training I had been receiving lots of training manuals to read up on from the Army they wanted me to learn. At the time my estranged wife and I were living together trying to piece our complicated relationship together. I had explained to Charity that I was gonna be gone for a few years off on a mission. It changed things between us finally the time came I had to leave for Camp Gilbert C Grafton, well I got settled in on the base and called to check in as soon as I was able to. Charity answered the phone we spoke very briefly that was the last phone call answered. When I got back home I got back earlier than scheduled I didn't go home right away.
I went to my buddy's house a bunch of friends were there hanging out partying. Well about 9:30 PM I was given 2 hits of acid so about 11:30 PM I was tripping balls so around 12:30 AM I decided to head home well the door was deadbolted, I rang the door bell Charity answered the door. She told me that we were done and that I couldn’t come in. I was only allowed to get a step inside the door she kept the door open on a 45 degree open I could smell the cologne I knew someone was standing behind the door.
Once realizing what was happening I dropped my certificate from the Combat Engineer training on the floor my heart was crushed. Here I was trying to be a father to my son and be with the love of my life as well as be this super hero spy soldier of a young boys dreams. So I left and from there the rest you can pick up in my story during 1996 written on here.
In 1996 I received a letter that was placed in my mailbox, instructing me to go to the Greensboro, NC Hooters where I met with Khalid Sheik Mohammed the Mastermind of the 9-11 attacks. From this meeting, I was also put in contact with Mohamed Atta. Ultimately running an unsanctioned US Intelligence operation as a civilian, I first informed the CIA Clandestine Services of my “ PLAN “ The FBI CIA and select others know this information. Before I left Algeria in 1994 I gave the ARMED ISLAMIC GROUP my home address back in Virginia and my Grandmothers's phone number for contact because there was no phone at the family home at the time.
1996 I went AWOL for 3 months from the 229th Engineers in Fredericksburg, Va. I was training with the 20th Special Forces Group that was formally at Fort AP Hill and now stationed in Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina – ( B Co. 3/20 SFG. ) I worked for FT AP HILL at the time as a groundsman my job was to weedeat Camp Bull Simons that was at Rappahannock Camp the compound of B Co. 3/20th SFG on Ft AP HILL and Camp Connors the SEAL TEAM 2 Compound that also was on Ft AP Hill. That is how I was able to train with the Green Berets on Ft AP Hill. One day I had a scheduled grass-cutting at the Special Forces Group Compound. One of the Sergeants was outside on the steps when I got to the building to weed eat around it. I cut off the weed eater and told SFC Thomas Duty who I was then SFC Duty took me inside the HQ Building and we discussed what I wanted and needed, the rest is AWOL history.
When I had to report to my unit for AWOL while standing in uniform I told my Commanding Officers “ As long as Bill Clinton is President of the United States I will not wear this uniform” The 2 Lieutenants about passed out at what I said they had no response, I just snapped to attention saluted and with an about-face left the Squad Room. As I left my squad leader caught up and stated “ I hear you have gone over to the Black Pajamas” my response was its something like that.
May 1994 proposed Virginia having a National Guard Special Forces unit
In 1996 I proposed “ THE PLAN “ to the CIA based on the intelligence assets I had from when I penetrated the GIA in Algeria. This was a Covert Action to get me deep cover in the Global Terrorism Network.
In November 1998 I proposed Operation Desert Fox to President Bill Clinton to start on December 16, 1998. This was started on my son's 5th Birthday. This is funny Operation Desert Fox was called WAG THE DOG by the Republicans to distract from the Monica Lewinski scandal. If we can get this letter pried out of Bill Clinton's sock drawer or National Archives, you will see the following in the letter. You will read that Desert Fox was initially an invasion plan named after Irwin Rommell the WW2 German Tank Commander. In this letter, you will read me call the Commander In Chief a Pussy. I stated to President Clinton that I quote, “ I know that you are a pussy and you probably won’t invade Iraq included is the plan and policy towards Iraq. Just bomb some shit for 3 days start this on December 16 1998 my son's 5th Birthday.“ This letter was at the White House on November 28th, 1998 via US Postal Service regular mail.
All throughout 1998 the Commanding General of the Virginia National Guard was bimonthly sending letters outlining my AWOLs and basically begging me to show back up to my drills. See the upper levels of the Virginia National Guard loved me and my can-do, go-get-’em spirit. It all started one Drill back in 1996 down at Fort AP Hill when the Division Colonel was down for a “ Bird Run ” That's a run with the Colonel it was usually a 5 miler or so at the Colonel's pace. Well, you can figure after reading my story so far you can tell something unconventional happened, and yes it did. While running I broke out of formation from the 3rd squad Charlie Company and ran up passed Bravo Company up on the left side, then passing Alpha Company running up and cutting right in front of the Colonel leading the company. I then ran down the right side back to Charlie Company. Grabbing the Charlie Companies Guidon I ran back up passed Bravo Company running up passed Alpha Company same path as before. This time when I passed in front of the Colonel I made sure the FULL BIRD got to see who was running passed him for a loop of 4 circles around the whole Battalion during the run. I had started something the other companies started running their Guidons around the Colonel for the rest of the run.
I am very unconventional and will be just as unconventional as Delegate in the 63rd House District of Virginia. As your Delegate when you call my contact number a few things will happen you will get a response no matter what. You will have your issues looked at and taken care of the best I can. Most of all I am the type of guy who as your Delegate and you need my help I will be at your doorstep knocking on your door for a direct face-to-face meeting with you the people I Represent that is a 100% promise. I will make house calls.
So to talk about Iraq and Operation Iraqi Freedom which was originally supposed to have been DESERT FOX back in December of 1998. When writing Operation Iraqi Freedom I had the President signal a go on my war plan by going out on the white house lawn with his dog and play with the ball as in " CALL THE BALL MR PRESIDENT “ George W. Bush is criticized for going into Iraq over weapons of mass destruction, The Sarin Gas was there before the night of March 19, 2003, In 1998 the policy towards Iraq was REGIME CHANGE -The definition – forcible replacement or coercive replacement of a government.
Clinton kept moving the red line back to doing what was right. Saddam was given enough time to step down and save his people from the turmoil of removing him. Saddam was offering to pay terrorists $35,000 to kill Americans. What sealed his fate refusal to allow the United Nations Inspectors in. So after the 3-day bombing of Desert Fox and when George W. Bush as President said on TV he didn't have a war plan on his desk for Iraq I opened up a dust-covered file and hand-wrote the operation for the President and sent it to my Secret Service Agent Point of Contact for President George W Bush, Retired Special Agent Matthew McNally of the Richmond, Virginia Secret Service Office.
Also in November 1998, I sent the outline of my ABLEDANGER Program to Former Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff General Hugh Shelton. In the letter, I sent it outlined my proposal and informed the Chairman of what I was doing. I started sending my ABLEDANGER information directly to General Pete Schoomaker at US Special Operations Command in Tampa Florida. I was undercover inside the 9-11 cell from August 1996 until December 1999. ABLEDANGER had evolved from “THE PLAN “ for the CIA to now a US SPECIAL OPERATIONS undertaking authorized by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Hugh Shelton. ABLEDANGER was CODEWORD for the program and also my self-given CODENAME. The Data Mining part of this operation was the first time that open-source information was used in an Intelligence capability. The CIA and FBI at the time didn’t have any program that rivaled this new out-of-the-box concept. I single-handedly by writing this program set a course for a new way of Intelligence gathering for the US Government.
* From the ABLEDANGER Operation I informed the CIA of the 9-11 attack plans in September 1999. I also sent this same information to Former Chairman of the House Select Committee on Intelligence Congressman Porter Goss in October 1999. At this point I had the information about the 5 intended targets and the date of simply 9-11, I didn’t know the year. I stopped sending any information on ABLEDANGER in December 1999. I started focusing on getting visitation rights for my young son. For 3 years while Spearheading the ABLEDANGER program I was estranged from my son from 1996 until December 1999, while making sure your kids were safe and secure. What made me pull out from my ABLEDANGER mission is this. I was at the Chick-fil- A in the former Spotsylvania Mall, Charity and I had the seat we always sat at when we ate there. Well, it was the day after Thanksgiving 1999 when I was sitting alone in that seat on the outside of Chik Fil A I saw Charity her sister, coming down from the old Aladins Castle entrance. I didn't know what to do it had been about 2.5 years since I had seen my son or Charity.
At this time I had met Kahlid Sheik Mohamed in Greensboro,NC been AWOL from the National Guard and trained by the Green Berets at Fort AP HILL and I was at the end of my participation in ABLEDANGER after 3 years ( not knowing it was gonna end ). I had shoulder-length hair the same as I did back in High School and a beard that was 5 inches off my chin. Charity had never seen me with my long hair or my beard they passed me eating my number 1 meal. Charity then stopped turned around and looked directly at me then headed straight to my table.
She came right to the table stood in front of me looked directly at me as I looked up at her while eating my chicken sandwich. No words were spoken between us she gurned and left. Right after this happened I'm talking minutes after I decided that Spearheading the ABLE DANGER program wasn't worth it anymore I had missed out on my son's life. By the time of the Fredericksburg Christmas Parade Charity had contacted my mom to get word to contact her so I could see my son in the parade with the Cub Scouts. My son was the reason I stopped Spearheading ABLEDANGER.
In the September 1999 letter to the CIA about the upcoming 9-11 attacks I also sent 2 analytical papers.
PSCHY AND MENTALITY OF A TERRORIST- this was a report on my experience in Algeria experiencing the terrorism happening in Algeria in 1994. When I copyrighted my Manuscript SERVICE SACRIFICE and SECRETS: Inside America’s War On Terror, I had heard that this analytical paper was in the LIbrary of Congress from the news on TV. I went asking about this paper after I copyrighted my Manuscript. I went to every office and asked where to find this paper, finally, I was met in the hall and told it was in the FEDERAL RESEARCH DIVISION by some female. I found out where the FEDERAL RESEARCH DIVISION was and went to it. I met with the Director personally and told him the story about how I was the 9-11 informant and how I wrote the things for George W Bush. I was told directly by the Director that the CIA took it and used it because I didn't copyright my papers. I responded well I copyrighted this one as I showed him my copyright receipt for the manuscript.
BIN LADEN DETERMINED TO STRIKE IN US- This report outlined Osama Bin Laden's plan to attack the US homeland. This report was held on to and repacked for President George W Bush as his Presidential Daily Brief on August 6, 2001, they didn’t even change my Title off the paper.
While we are at it to verify this next statement, talking about the CIA ask LT Colonel Tony Shaffer about the CIA wanting to neutralize me. Yep! Can you believe it The CIA actually the CIA’s “ Alec Station ” wanted to kill an American citizen, this unit was a bunch of losers that couldn’t find their ass in a mirror. I penetrated the Armed Islamic Group in Algeria in 1994 with just an offering of a bottle of water to a member of the Terrorist Group. I also told them how I was a militia leader in America and that I wanted to Team up and overthrow the US Government. LTC Tony Shaffer is an former US Army Superman/Bond kind of guy who was in charge of Stratus Ivy the unit General Pete Schoomaker brought in to support me and my ABLEDANGER program. You know it is a big ole world out there and this one man wasn’t going to able to cover it all. I never met LTC Shaffer and he has never met me personally. See this program was compartmentalized the 2 tech contractors didn't know they were data mining for ABLEDANGER and the 5 member Team heading ABLEDANGER being the support had alot of unknown it didn't know.
I am sure LTC Shaffer can explain the direct knowledge and to what extent he knew of the program. Had the uppers mentioned my name or given him my identity, we just don’t know, LTC Shaffer I guess is afraid to expose the truth. In 2017 LTC Shaffer became a Homeland Security something another for the Stafford County Sherriff Department being a liason to the New York City Joint Terrorism Task Force oh this gives Stafford County a chance to play in Terrorism with the big boys out of that office. I just hope you guys ( Stafford County Sheriff's Department ) are allowed to go out there and play a little in that big old world. In 2005 I dated a female from Brooklyn, New York for 19 months every other weekend I was up and around the NYC area quite a bit. I can tell you that when I flew to New York they had me flagged as Law Enforcement.
I was one of those people that you watch at the airport you see them being escorted through security well I was a little better than that. Once I checked in at the airline counter agent would say follow me and I’d get escorted to the plane through the inner security workings. The first time this happened it freaked me out. I had checked in at the counter the female said follow me, so I followed. We went in a door that security personnel only I followed watching as I skirted the security line. Then we came to a sign reading Authorized Personnel Only I then said " Where are we going? What do you mean she responded You are law enforcement I'm taking you to your seat on the plane. I didn't correct her I kept my mouth shut and figured I would just take advantage of it.
October 20 2001 I wrote the Office of Strategic Influence proposal for President George W Bush and sent it via certified letter ARTICLE NUMBER 7000 1539 0001 4202 3198 this document is classified but there is a paper trail. Just search the National Archives, when sent this letter also had a request for signature and Alberto Gonzales was the signing signature. The Democrats cried fowl about my idea to use Tom Brokaw and the Nightly News to feed misinformation to our enemies, It is so funny when these same people collude with the FBI and CIA to suppress and mislead the American people because of the Political Camaraderie between the Democrat Party Social Media Companies and now with Political weaponization of the FBI CIA and the Department of Justice. I'm fully aware of the coverup and Political cover their ass the US Government plays. As your Delegate I will make sure this never happens again.
February 7 2002 via Registered letter Article Number RR146 598 000 I sent the proposals for the following Counter Terrorism programs to President George W Bush…. Same as with the Certified Letter previously mentioned it’s Classified but it’s in the National Archives follow the paper trail and you will see my story is real.
- HR 5005 THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY – When I wrote the Department of Homeland Security for President George W Bush the sole purpose of this Department was to have a 1200-member Homeland Security Force. These Homeland Security Teams were originally designed to have a 12-member National Guard Nuclear Biological Chemical Team detailed to them. Each state was to have a 24-member Homeland Security Team that would be capable of responding to any terrorism incident in the United States. When Congress and the media first learned the details of HR5005 they all praised it Even Congresswoman Rosa Delauro of Connecticut in a committee session discussing the formation said that this new reorganization was the most creative thing in 50 years, The Congresswoman also said that the “ civilian” who wrote it should be its first Secretary. What ended that was I called Former Senator Tom Daschle’s office and told his staff who I was when the Senator got on the phone I called him a do-nothing Democrat ( because this Department was being marked up in Congress they were ruining what I had designed a lean Homeland Securing Team. ) You better get my Department of Homeland Security passed, then I just hung the phone up. Can you imagine the look on Senator Tom Daschel's face after that. As your Congressman for the 7th Congressional District of Virginia, I will have the ability to fix what is wrong with the DHS that has allowed an invasion of our country. I need to have the ability and power to fix and backstop this department for future American security and Sovereignty. I am the only person with the knowledge of its original Charter, that can get this all fixed. And with your strong support, I will make sure the Illegal invasion of America stops right at the waterline about 10 miles from our Border
- TASK FORCE 20- This unit killed Uday Hussein and Qusay Hussein in a shoot-out
- TASK FORCE 120 – The Army formed this unit to experiment with the Brigade Combat Team concepts and Special Troop Battalions. They were formed to plug In with my war plan Operation Iraqi Freedom which I wrote for President George W. Bush
- TASK FORCE 121 – This unit was the unit that found Saddam Hussein in the spider hole. Same Force Concept as TASK FORCE 20 only thing different is the number of Troops in each Task Force. One Task Force had 20 members the other Task Force had 120 members, I will let you figure out which had what.
- TASK FORCE 6-26- This unit was made up of US SPECIAL OPERATION TROOPS and US AGENCY Members-( CIA FBI )
- MARSOC- MARINE SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND – When writing the proposal for MARSOC I created DET1 this unit was named after my first National Guard unit B Co. 1/170th Inf. “ DET 1 “ in Manassas, Virginia. DET 1 was MARSOC experimental foray into US SPECIAL OPERATIONS DET 1 was certified by the US NAVY SEALS to be operational. DET 1 was the Foundation that has evolved into the Marines Raiders of today. Inside the Marine Corps no one believed MARSOC would have its own MOS, its own insignia patch, and SPIRITUS INVICTUS ( Translated – UNCONQUERABLE SPIRIT ) Pin Badge to be worn on the chest of the MARSOC uniform. When I proposed MARSOC and the orders to create this unit were sent out, everyone hated the idea. SOCOM didn’t want MARSOC and the MARINE CORPS didn’t want this unit created. Secretary of Defense made sure my proposal of this new Special Unit was to be created. Basically, Donald Rumsfeld sent down a White Paper saying Fuck You to the Special Operations Command and the Marine Corps to get this done. THE MARSOC RAIDERS are probably one of the most badass units in the US military. I am very sure those first naysayers now reflect on how wrong they were about the MARSOC concept 20 years after its formation.
- Operation Iraqi Freedom was not sent via this letter, was sent to now Retired Secret Service Agent Matthew McNally of the Richmond, Virginia field office my Point of Contact for President George W Bush.
- ABLE PROVIDENCE- This Program was an updated version of ABLEDANGER proposed to expand on the work ABLEDANGER done from 1998 until 2000 it started with my suggested 28million dollar budget.
- OG-8 Original Gang of 8 – I had President George W Bush create the Gang of 8 concept so I could inform the US CONGRESS about my activities without all of Congress knowing my identity or what I was up to. It was mainly to keep information from leaking into the public domain.
It's no coincidence that the Asymmetrical Warfare Group had a major training facility built on Fort AP HILL
16. TASK FORCE 23– I made sure when I sent the Registered letter on February 7 2002 to President George W Bush that with all the new TASK FORCES I proposed or new ones being created to keep the TASK FORCE 23 designated open for my own use. Like with the ORANGE ( 23 ) during my DELTA Selection 23 = CE
- Proposed the Pentagons SIGNATURE REDUCTION PLAN
18. Back in early days 1994- proposed the LIWA US ARMY LAND INFORMATION WARFARE ACTIVITY to help with SPECIAL FORCES in collecting targeted data from open source materials via internet. Having the knowledge of this capability that was at Fort Belvoir When I proposed ABLEDANGER to the CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF GENERAL HUGH SHELTON I knew this capability could be married up with the LIWA program.
- During the time I was writing my Counter Terrorism Programs for President George W Bush the late Honorable Jo Ann Davis Congresswoman for the 1st Congressional District of Virginia was sending me Congressional briefings and Research papers from the Congressional Research Service and Federal Research Division to aid me in my Counter Terrorism writing.
March 22 2002 on my estranged wife’s Birthday I received the ARMY RESERVE COMPONENT ACHIEVEMENT MEDAL
In June of 2002, I met with Secret Service Agent Matthew McNally of the Richmond, Virginia Field Office at the Stafford County Virginia Sheriff’s Office to do my security check. Secret Service Special Agent Matthew McNally was my Point of Contact for President George W Bush.
June 2002 I swore out a FBI 1023 affidavit at the Fredericksburg Joint Terrorism TASK FORCE at 2300 Fall Hill Avenue the old Mary Washington Hospital telling them about the story of how i was running the Covert Operation that I had been writing all of George W Bush’s Counter-Terrorism policies and about the US Government ( CIA ) having the information in September 1999. I asked for a polygraph to verify my information to be told they would have to send the request to Washington DC. I have yet to hear back imagine that.
MARCH 15 2003 THE IRAQ WAR PROTEST IN DC- I stood in the middle of the street during the march of an estimated 20,000-100,000 protesters. I was holding a sign on the front side that read “ GO HOME CLOWNS “ and on the back side read “ CLINTON KNEW ABOUT 9-11 I KNOW THE TRUTH “ and screaming “ GO HOME CLOWNS” at them as they marched around me. The Metropolitan Police before the marchers came at me as I was standing in the middle of the street had a undercover come up to me and tell me that they were right behind me to get me out of there if shit went down. I told the undercover that if one of these fucks touches me you guys will just be able to get them up off the ground. Oh, he looked at me like I was joking I was dead serious. I stood there got cussed had some fun banter back and forth with a few. I had quite a few older women tell me how cute I was. Nobody out of that 100,000 crowd that walked around me spit or put their hands on me. The best part was at the end of the march, when they had 3 clowns walking and juggling behind the marchers. They read the sign I was holding facing saying GO HOME CLOWNS one of them asking “ WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST CLOWNS ? ” oh it was funny as shit.
On March 24, 2004, I was arrested during live 9-11 Commission testimony of Former CIA Director George Tenet. Before the day of the arrest, I had informed the 9-11 Commission about being the 9-11 informant. When I called or sent email I told the that Congressman Porter Goss knew about the 9-11 attacks but the 9-11 Commission wasn’t formed to find out the truth, they didn't want to hear about ABLEDANGER, I guess if it wasn’t acknowledged they didn’t have to discuss it. You can watch the hearing to hear about “ THE PLAN “ at the 1-hour 21-minute mark. But if you want to just get to the nitty-gritty just forward to the 1-hour 19-minute and 30 second mark and watch for a few minutes. You can hear me tell the 9-11 Commission that I was the informant and sent the Intelligence about 9-11 to Former Congressman Porter Goss you can hear it plain as day. Here is the link Truth is that 1.5 hours before this all went down the 9-11 Commission tried to throw me out of the hearing room. I caused so much of a stink they had 25 capitol police surround me. As people heard about the earlier altercation where I threw open the doors to the hearing room walked in and sat at the witness table, the hearing room filled up. I was then taken up in the side rooms where the press set up their live cameras.
The Sergeant in charge listened to my story and looked at the documents I had verifying the story I was telling. I was allowed to stay as long as I didn’t open my mouth during any testimony. I even shook the hand of his arresting Capitol Police Officer Glenn Newell hand before he was allowed to sit in on the George Tenet 9-11 Hearing testimony. The look on George Tenets face he wasn’t even shocked during the live 9-11 Commission Hearing when I spoke out. Where is the news reporting my arrest, where are the pictures and video of my arrest especially during live 9-11 Commission testimony it was all Hush Hush. Coverup much? Then George W. Bush with a slap in my face for revealing that Porter Goss along with the CIA knew about the September 11 2001 attacks 2 years earlier President George W. Bush nominated Porter Goss to be CIA Director.
When I went up to DC on May 25 2004 for my trial for the 9-11 Commission hearing arrest, I found out the charges had been dropped of course they didn’t want the public to hear how my national security lawyer that the government made sure I had was going to defend me in court. There is a story about how a highly respected DC lawyer was appointed to be my Representative but that's for another time. Now back to what happened after I found out the charges had been dropped.
When leaving E Barret Prettyman US Courthouse I was approached by 2 dark-suited trench coat-wearing guys, they stated here we are again Craig the thing is these 2 guys had come to interview me when I was handcuffed to the wall inside the Capitol Police holding area after the 9-11 Commission arrest. I was handed a business card and told that someone wanted to offer 25 Million dollars if I didn't publish my manuscript.” This manuscript is titled SERVICE SACRIFICE AND SECRETS: INSIDE AMERICA’S WAR ON TERROR it was copyrighted in 2003 in the Library of Congress.” I laughed at the 2 guys and tossed the business card in the trash can they were standing next to.
The business card had the CIA Seal and a number on it. As I left the 2 guys the Sergeant from Capitol Hill “ last name Gainer “ was coming right down the sidewalk towards me. The Sergeant approached me and asked “How did things go? “ I said they dropped the charges, his reply was good that is great. I explained he had to hurry up and get to Union Station to take the VRE back to Fredericksburg, Virginia. The Sergeant then replied “ Take Care of Yourself “
2012 – 2013 I contracted with MARSOC Marine Special Operations Command for SILVERBACK 7 where I experienced Interagency Operations while being on a 4 man Team consisting of 1 MARINE RAIDER, 1 SEAL TEAM 2 MEMBER, a US Marshal from NEW YORK CITY, and myself. Breaking a Non-Disclosure Agreement my Duty Station was Longstreet Camp on Fort AP HILL.
October 2014 Wrote the Following Proposals for President Obama
- JADE HELM 15 – This was a large Special Operations training exercise simulating an Overseas Operation.
- JADE HELM 15 is the largest military training exercise to take place on US soil as well as the largest US SPECIAL OPERATIONS training exercise ever on US soil.
- ABLE RESOLUTION – This proposal was an operation to fight and finally defeat ISIS. The operation never was undertaken.
In May of 2019, I took a 16-week Distilling course at Piedmont Virginia Community College. My instructors were Matt Casto head Distiller at Devils Backbone Distilling and Lauren Riggleman the daughter of former US Congressman Denver Riggleman of Silverback Distilling. I can make Whiskey, Gin, Bourbon, Rum, and Moonshine but the most unique thing I can make would be a clear Strawberry Vanilla Rum. I can also make a Distilled Lemon Mead that is lip-smacking. I have created a Spiked Hard Cider that is fortified to 20% alcohol, by using the hard cider mash that has been distilled into Brandy and then adding it to the Hard Cider proofed up to 20% alcohol or 40 proof aged with charred apple wood.
March 2023 wrote lyrics only for the song title RICH MEN NORTH OF RICHMOND for Oliver Anthony Music there is the story behind how this happened I will keep this short. On a whim I found Oliver Anthony Music on the internet and then found a tik tok video where he asked for song title suggestions so I came up with RICH MEN NORTH OF RICHMOND then within 10 minutes of that I had the lyrics written out then typed the title and lyrics out in the comments section of that video. After typing my lyrics to the song only 5 words from my original lyrics were changed. Well, I then typed to Oliver Anthony Music that if he put music to it and sang it in the woods then offer it for sale online and we split the sales 50/50 from August 8 to November 8 I even typed my home address so he knew where to send my 50% of sales check.
June 2022 Wrote the election interference Psy Op for Donald J Trump I got these details notorized so I have a record of proof on this.
I scripted the Butler Pennsylvania July 13 2024 Rally to counter the Russia collusion hoax of 2016 so Donald Trump would win the elction. The details of the psy op involve Trumps Security detail that day the HSI HOMELAND SECURITY INVESTIGATORS to secret service using code words and signals basically everything you saw that day was scripted. I used my DELTA FORCE Selection Beret Flash colors Green and Yellow as color combinations as code signal I had yellow towels as signal.I had it setup that when Trump shot he had 3 options to make it look like he was shot. had it scripted for photographers to get the what I named TRUMP IWO JIMA photo shot if you look i even had it look like American flag was flying upside down, I had trumps security say HAWKEYE IS HERE had Female agent on stage so everyone had clear view of scripted fist in air fight fight fight and oh the Let me get my sneakers ( as i first wrote it then put line through it and wrote shoes Trump don’t wear sneakers that’s why i changed his on paper he got) Had security agent female fumble her weapon at back of SUV. Scripted it so FBI would in house investigate shooting attempt so it looks like a legitimate shooting. I named the fire fighter and the 2 other guys. Its all notorized almost 4 years ago when i wrote this. I also scripted some of the DNC Convention also but I didn’t get theirs notorized didn’t think they would honestly use anything,.They did use my Green and Yellow Combination the blinking watch things signaled Kamala didn’t pick me as VP and when Trump did the shooting thing it signaled I didn’t get vp spot but then as you read this P
Oh I am blackmailing Trump with if I didn’t get a job after him stiffing me on the 6 million for writing the psy op i was releasing the papers well im wrapping up 5 stones with this run for the 63rd House District of Virginia. The Secret Service went to my moms house in Stafford to call me so they could get feel how i was before I met with them because I told Trump I was gonna leave his security detail on ground grab him by throat and body slam him. so the 2 secret service agents came out to see how we resolve the President and my issue of him either paying up give me a job or I release the notorized details showing he ran a election interference psy op in 2024.
I scripted the RNC CONVENTION with coded signals and basic all the details I have again notorized details of this all in same letter
I scripted 2nd shooting attempt at the golf course
The drone flying psy op
Trumps Boz haircut
Trumps cabinet picks even detail Pam Bondi replacing Matt Gaetz
To even telling Trump to come up with a dance and the playlist its notorized
To mentioning 2nd Butler Rally and going back
The cybertruck burn was cover for recon in mexico against the cartels dudes new last name is BERG
DOGE DEPARTMENT OF GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY naming Elon it and even picked out his DARK MAGA HAT for him ask Donald Trump
Oh there is much more this is just enough to wet your appetite
Senator Ron Johnson Secretary of State Marco Rubio Congressman Ronnie Jackson all have knowledge they are named in notorized details.
Trump owes me 6 million for writing the psy op I wrote it they used it but didnt pay
2007 I ran as an Independent Green in the 28th House District of Virginia against Bill Howell.
2009 I ran as an Independent in the 28th House District of Virginia against Bill Howell.
2012 Was Presidential Candidate for Americans Elect. Americans Elect was a proposal for a online voted Candidate for President to be put on the Presidential Ballot in 2012. The ticket had to be a Unity Ticket if a Democrat won the online voting they had to pick a Republican as their VP choice, and vice versa. I was the first person certified to be on the online Primary ballot. Americans Elect had some criteria to meet before you got certified to be a Candidate for the nomination. You had to be former Congressman or Senator a General Rank in the military, a Mayor of top 100 city in the United States. Well what happened was after I was certified as a Candidate someone in the organization through a fit they had me as a Certified Candidate and what happened was the whole thing collapsed. So as you hear about the NO LABELS just remember my story how been there tried it.
2012 I was vetted by Sheila “Samm” Tittle for the Vice President spot for Mitt Romney’s 2012 Presidential run.
2013 I ran in the Republican Primary for the 28th House District of Virginia against Bill Howell.
- During my House of Delegates run in 2009 and 2013 Bill Howell avoided debating me at all costs. The Republican establishment has had it out for me ever since 2005 when I terrorized Former US SENATOR George Allan, Speaker of the House Bill Howell, Delegate Mark Cole, and others at a Senator George Allan campaign stop in Stafford County at the Stafford Regional Airport. It really wasn’t terrorizing them but I was about 3 feet from the Senator as he gave a stump speech, telling him to give a message to George W. Bush from me. I made sure the Senator's message to the Former President was one of kissing my ass and that no matter what I was going to break the truth about 9-11. I was very pissed about how George W Bush nominated Porter Goss the individual who had the truth about 9-11 2 years before the September 11 2001 attacks. You can read about this incident in the NEW REPUBLIC a liberal rag paper in the Article … GEORGE ALLENS RACE PROBLEM By Ryan Lizza.
- To be honest in the MEET THE PRESS Archives there is an interview around the time of my letter to Former Congressman Porter Goss “a former CIA Officer” with the Intelligence information about 9-11 in October 1999 where Porter Goss was on with Tim Russert and Tim asked the Congressman about TWA 800 Porter Goss responded he wasn’t worried about missiles shooting planes down he was afraid of planes being used as missiles.
I was vetted by Team Trump as a potential Vice President Candidate for Donald Trump in the certified letter No 7015 3430 000 5787 7170 of March 29, 2016, I introduced myself to Team Trump and informed the future President about Crossfire Hurricane and how the Democrats planned to sabotage his Campaign.
For full disclosure here is the dirt for my opponents.
I have smoked marijuana since the age of 14, speaking of that How do you feel that I wrote all of the major Counter-terrorism policies after September 11 2001 while being on weed. It is funny to me because all these programs I wrote for the Presidents are damn near Genius, and I failed 2 piss tests for the National Guard for weed to have nothing done.
I have had many No-seat belt and reckless driving tickets in my life.
I have a Brandishing a Firearm charge from March 20, 1993- I had gotten into a fight with 5 guys that my girlfriend went to Courtland High School with. I beat their ass in the middle of the old Park and Shop Parking lot, when I was leaving the City of Fredericksburg these guys still wanted more they wanted to scream Fuck You and give middle fingers. So after beating their asses once I turned my truck into the Mcdonald's Parking lot near the University of Mary Washington backed into a parking spot pulled out a 36-inch barrel shotgun. ( THIS FIGHT HERE EARNED ME THE NICKNAME FROM PRESIDENT GEORGE W BUSH “ ROCKY “ )
I have an assault and Battery Charge on a family/household member February 2004- This charge here my estranged wife paged one day that my son had called the house to spend the night. Well, the phone was in my mom's boyfriends name, when my son called he told my son that he had the wrong number his dad didn't live here and not to call here again. My ex was livid because my son was freaking out at what he was told. I ignored my mom and her boyfriend for 2 weeks one day as I was headed to my room my mom said WHATS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM I said WHATS MY FUCKING PROBLEM then her Boyfriend came into view saying FUCK YOU COME ON. I said FUCK ME? as I walked from my bedroom door. My mom jumped out of the chair double fist fist-punched me in the chest getting in between her boyfriend and me. Well her boyfriend then swung and caught me on my arm as he swung around my mom. Then started taunting saying come on as he backed himself up to the dining room table while pulling my mom as a shield in front of him. At this point, I knew I was knocking him out. So I sidestepped to the right to get a hit on his head, and he mirrored me moving my mom as a shield. I stepped left he mirrored me again moving my mom as a shield, I stepped right again he mirrored me again this time my mom didn’t move with him she stayed in place I saw the opening I knocked him to the ground and stomped on his head as I left, I drove myself to the Stafford County Sherriffs Office told them what happened. I plead guilty to the charge.
I have non-support payment charge- I was giving my son the support money directly instead of sending it to Division of Child Support. I was in jail on a year sentence when I was released after 7 days in jail on March 23 2004, it was the day after my estranged wife's Birthday and released the day before I went up to the 9-11 Commission and showed up to tell about how the CIA and Former Republican Congressman Porter Goss knew about the attacks in September and October 1999. You can read that story and watch video of the my arrest during live CIA Director George Tenets 9-11 Commission Hearing Testimony.
In my early days, I loved to fight I didn’t care who it was man woman beast or child don’t put your hands on me.
I cuss like a sailor in my general talk I will say every curse word and smile while saying them.
I am in Debt $15,000
There are many rumors around about me they say I am a Baby Bigfoot that was brought here by Aliens around the time the Lindbergh baby was kidnapped.
It is all good even with all this my opponents in the 7th Congressional District of Virginia still don’t have anything close to my service for this country or the legislative achievement I have that example is HR 5005 THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY
I have run one of America’s most secret and controversial Covert Operations in America’s history. As a civilian, I have written major Counter Terrorism Policy Proposals for 3 Presidents from Bill Clinton to Barrack Obama. The proposals that I wrote have kept America safe since 9-11. I was the civilian who was inside the 9-11 cell.
How much does the Sovereignty of the American Homeland mean to you? What price are you willing to pay to save our country? Now is the time to step up don’t be a sideline spectator to the fall of America. Elections cost money and we all in the 7th Congressional District have skin in this game. You can send money to the 2 Political Parties that is used to only further divide us the people. Or you can be part of the Revolution to get America back on track. Every dime of your Contribution will be used for the November 5 2024 General Election.
Your contributions will first used to form the base of this grassroots movement. The first monies will be going to ballot access by using the funding for signature collection. The second round of funding expenditures will go towards signage and flyers. The third and final round of funding expenditures will be used for TV and Radio ads. The Ennis for Virginia 7th campaign will not bombard you the people with Political ads on the lead up to the election. We will have 1 effective TV Commercial that will be ran at maximum 2 times per week 8 weeks prior to November 5 2024. Those repetitive political ads honestly are annoying and just piss us off. When I ran my Intelligence operations mentioned earlier I had no support no one or government agency contributed to the security and safety of America. It’s time for You the People to reach down and pay it’s time for you to pay your part. This upcoming election will determine the rise or fall of our country and you can participate or sit on the sidelines.
To do your part the Ennis for Virginia 7th Congressional Campaign asks that you keep your Donations small under $50. Our campaign understands the financial struggles we all are facing. If we join together and stand strong we can fund a campaign that secures America for future generations.
We also ask that if you want to do more we cap our contributions at $2,500. We aren’t accepting money from Corporations or Foreign nationals.
THE ENNIS FOR VIRGINIA 7TH Campaign is setting a $250,000 Fundraising Goal
CRAIG ENNIS is the fighter America needs in the US CONGRESS