The soul purpose of the ENNIS FOR VIRGINIA 63rd House District Campaign is to get Craig Ennis elected to the Virginia House of Delegates in the 63rd House District of Virginia. The race for this seat is going to be highly focused on by the poligeeks and talking heads. This particular House of Delegates race is going to be unconventional and unlike any that has come before it.
As you explore our campaign keep an open mind to what you will do on Election Day November 4th 2025. Our campaign intends to persuade you to ditch the 2 parties and be part of a movement that empowers you THE PEOPLE NOT THE POLITICIANS.
Are you Fed up with both Parties and the disarray that the 2 Party system has created here in America? Are you tired of the 2 Tier Justice system? It is time to vote for the person not the Party.
It is time to step back from our Political Ideology and focus on what makes America great. It is time to give a little and listen to the other side. The main goal should be finding solutions that works for us THE PEOPLE.
PLEASE visit the MEET CRAIG Page to get to know our Candidate.